I started using subversion 1.4 back in the day, I got issues here and there, but I could easily just move the files out of the way and svn update the directory, copy the files over again ...
Ever since I upgraded to 1.5 or was it 1.6, I started getting tree conflicts, here and there, not frequent, I agree, but shit, guyz, keep it simple, I do not care about 1 or 2 ms performance increases on a commit, seriously ...
With 1.8, they did away with .svn folders in each checked out folder -it is now all centrally controlled at the root of the checked out folder ... except that now, when something fucks up, you can check the whole 10Gb out again ...
I expect products to improve over time, not seriously fuck up.
The guy who thought putting everything in one sqlite database at the root of the checkout is an IDIOT, no ifs, buts or maybes - (s)he should be Hung, Drawn and Quartered. Like, hey, we have this system where we have no single point of failure, that is bad, lets create one.
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